“How To Church” Video Series

See the links below for the video series on “How To Church: I Wish I Knew” — produced cooperatively by the Local Congregational Support Working Group and the Congregational Vitality Team
Episode One of our new series – “How to Church: I Wish I Knew”… ‘How to Be a Good Consistory Member”

Here’s the link: https://youtu.be/oBqdiVgrMAE


Episode Two of our new series “How to Church:  I Wish I Knew”… ‘I Wish I Knew More About The Wider Church’



Episode Three of our new series “How to Church:  I Wish I Knew”… ‘I Wish I Knew More About Community Engagement’



Episode Four of our new series “How to Church:  I Wish I Knew”…The Value of Partnership in Ministry



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