Amigos de Guatemala

Penn Northeast Conference – Ministry Team Highlights

Names of Ministry Team: Amigos de Guatemala                

Purpose of Team:   The PNEC Conference felt called to establish a partnership with the churches and people of Guatemala. Working with CONCEJO, an ecumenical organization there, we learned of Monte Margarita, a remote mountain village miles from any medical facilities. After sending a medical team there in 2011, we were determined to build a multi-use facility and clinic. The community has few vehicles, roads are poor, the water is not clean, and many health issues go untreated. The new building, which includes a clinic, community room, and housing for workers is nearly finished. The people in Monte Margarita already use it for church meetings, small business conferences, education.

How does this Ministry Team align with the vision, mission, and goals of the Penn Northeast Conference and the United Church of Christ:  The PNEC has a history of partnerships with people around the world, including Native Americans, Germany, Honduras, and India. More than just a mission project, our understanding of other cultures is enhanced and our faith is enriched by their deep faith. This, we believe, is the love and servanthood to which Christ has called us.

How can people become engaged in this work of this Ministry Team

  • Invite the Amigos to show 0ur power point of photos to your congregation. We have Guatemalan crafts that we sell to raise funds for, medical supplies and travel expenses.
  • Volunteer to serve on a medical team to Monte Margarita. We need doctors, nurses, dentists, and people fluent in Spanish to translate. We’d like to send at least one team every year.
  • We are always glad to receive donations from churches and individuals. Some churches have also collected medicines to send with our medical teams.
  • Join our team to help organize future trips for this vital ministry.
  • Follow us on Facebook: Amigos de Guatemala (Lehigh Valley)
  • For more information contact Rev. Gilberto Garcia-Rodriguez at 610-298-3938 or the conference office.

Contributions:  You can send your contributions directly to the PNEC office at 431 Delaware Avenue, Palmerton, PA, 18071-1908. Make checks payable to the PNEC Amigos.


Monte Margarita clinic is ready for your visit! 





  Amigos de Guatemala (Lehigh Valley)

Please consider:

  • Would you like to be part of a medical team that would be there when the clinic is dedicated in October 2019?
  • Would you like an Amigo team to speak at your church about the project?
  • Would you like to contribute to the cost of medications and medical travel?

Contact Rev. Gilberto Garcia Rodriguez 610-620-3938


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