The GEM Fund (Grants for Energizing Mission)
Deadlines for receiving GEM Fund Applications:
January 15 — April 15 — July 15 — October 15
GEM Ministry Team Purpose
Name of Ministry Team: Grants Energizing Mission Fund Team
Purpose of Team:
Grants are to be used as “seed money” to help commence or carry through to completion local church mission and outreach projects, i.e., those projects which are proposed and administered by PNEC congregations and which are intended to enhance and make more relevant the spiritual life and gospel mission of the churches of PNEC.
Describe how this Ministry Team aligns with the vision, mission, and goals of the Penn Northeast Conference and the United Church of Christ:
Our conference mission of Changing lives by equipping, empowering, and supporting those who would spread Christ’s ministry is lived out through the work of our congregations. New initiatives often spark growth and spiritual development.
Describe how people can become engaged in this work of this Ministry Team
This is a ministry team of the conference so members are appointed to serve. A mix of laity, authorized ministers, men, women, youth or young adults are sought for the team in order to provide a variety of perspectives when grant requests are reviewed.
Revised 4.24.19
Policy for Grants Energizing Mission Endowment Fund
(GEM Fund)
The GEM Fund Team is an appointed ministry team.
Grants are to be used as “seed money” to help commence or carry through to completion local church mission and outreach projects, i.e., those projects which are proposed and administered by PNEC congregations and which are intended to enhance and make more relevant the spiritual life and gospel mission of the churches of PNEC.
The annual qualifying-for-distribution earnings of the GEM Fund are to be disbursed by the GEM Fund Team. GEM funds are allocated from the GEM Fund investment.
Applications are processed quarterly as received.
Decisions about allocations and distributions are made by the GEM Fund Team.
Grant monies will be issued by the Penn Northeast Conference paid to the order of the local church for deposit in its account. Grant monies must be dispersed through the local church’s accounting procedures in a timely fashion.
The maximum funding amount of a grant will be determined by the GEM Fund Team based on the budget submitted and the congregational financial support for the project.
An Annual Report of grants will be made to the Penn Northeast Conference Board documenting the disbursement of funds with a description of funded projects.
Application processes will be shared with congregations through the Penn Northeast Conference website.
Policy approved by the Team December 19, 2018; revised 4.24.19
Click Here for How to Apply for a GEM Fund Grant