- We, as a conference, have been enrolled in Mission Insite, a demographic information site, for some months now. Congregations involved in pastoral searches have received copies of reports from the Conference Office. Now we are providing you with individual congregational access to this powerful tool for assessing communities.
- Please note our usage of this account is restricted to work with UCC churches and conferences.
The CLIENT understands that some of the mapping databases, aerial images and census demographic databases that are updated and projected are licensed by MISSIONINSITE from third party vendors and remain the sole intellectual property of these vendors. Furthermore, the CLIENT understands that this AGREEMENT extends access rights to the CLIENT for use only by the CLIENT and/or anyone assisting the CLIENT in its normal activities.
CLIENT may not sell, lease or assign the demographic databases, aerial images or the mapping data to any third party except as such would employ the data in the service of the CLIENT.(For example, an outside planning consultant may use and review the data in fulfilling a planning consultation on behalf of the CLIENT. But the same consultant may not use, quote or otherwise refer to the data for any other purpose.)
CLIENT agrees to make appropriate attributions to the data source(s) in any written, graphically displayed or orally delivered presentations that include any piece of data, the presentation of the data or the methodologies by which the data is generated that are provided by MISSIONINSITE.