Congregational Vitality Yearbook 2018-2019
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Is. 43:19a
The Congregational Vitality Team and Coaches of the PNEC promoted a variety of initiatives during the past year designed to assist local churches in revitalizing their programs and ministry. As a way of evaluating and communicating these efforts, we will prepare a yearbook for 2018-2019.
We envision this as a way to invite the congregations, pastors, and members of the conference to celebrate the good and faithful work done this year. In addition, we hope this tool will promote broad cooperation and collaboration throughout the conference.
Information for the yearbook gathered in late spring and early summer of 2019 will be collated and made available at the fall meeting of the conference scheduled for November 2, 2019.
The yearbook will be a place to 1. Share ideas 2. Celebrate successes 3. Offer tips for overcoming challenges
To that end, please respond to the following questions in short answer or essay form.
Return questionnaires to: Congregational Vitality Team, Penn Northeast Conference
Your Church_______________________________________________________
Your Name _______________________________________________________________
Leadership Role ___________________________________________________________
What new practice in your church has given you a sense of uplift this year?
What continuing practice or tradition continues to add life and excitement for your community of faith?
How have your members used their skills to recover from bumps in the road?
What detours provided an opportunity to embrace another idea or revisit a problem with new approaches and solutions?
What have you learned from the challenges faced along the way?
What have you learned about dealing with failure?
How does you church celebrate? How does it witness to the community at large?
Thank you for your participation and enthusiasm for the ongoing work of the Penn Northeast Conference of the United Church of Christ. 430 Delaware Avenue, Palmerton, PA. 18071