Generosity Team – Friends of the Conference

Generosity Team – Friends of the Conference  

Greetings and May God be with you!

I want to thank everyone who has donated to the Friends of the Conference program since its inception in 2021. We are happy that you find what we do at PNEC to be worthwhile and needed. When we began, we were charged with finding contributions that would represent a $1 contribution from the over 28,000 members of our PNEC UCC local churches. That is our goal and we are on the way to achieving it. With your donations we can do more and more together. These are some of the things the PNEC does with your help:

  • Providing church leadership and members with seminars in best practices for church governance, health and wellness and important legal issues, as well as helping with the search and call process for finding adequate pastors.
  • Helping local churches find support in communication with other churches.
  • Supplying our PNEC church higher education candidates with helpful Scholarships to pay for professions we need such as teachers, ministers, and nurses.
  • To help PNEC churches revitalize with new ministries, or special curriculums, and with conversation groups to brain-storm new ideas.
  • To help provide PNEC church members with retreats and youth programs in order to build the body of Christ.

Whether you have donated before or this is your first time, I invite you to make a donation (or a monthly ongoing donation) to the Friends of the Conference, so that the Penn Northeast Conference can keep doing all the wonderful things they do!

You can donate using our at and designating your gift to Friends of PNEC or mail in a check payable to the Penn Northeast Conference. We have goals and you can help us achieve them!

Thanks and blessings to you,

Rev. Kathryn Foster, Generosity Team Chairperson

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